GTC considers R&D as a life style. Our company was established in 2013 to design and manufacture our own products based on R&D. Our mission is to ensure that the solar power industry grows and settles in Türkiye as a true local and national industry. Our aim is to be a world brand capable of designing and manufacturing the best solar products in respect of quality and efficiency.
R&D Center and Outputs
- FV panel technology thinner than glass-glass 3.2mm
- Bifacial solar cells; double-side FV panel technology that keeps operating with not more than a loss of 16% at the end of a 30-year period.
- Multi-purpose, bifacial solar panel technology producible from glasses of thicknesses ranging from 1.6mm to 12mm.
- Roof installation system for use of bifacial solar panels on roofs.
- FV thermal panel technology capable of converting the energy from the sun to electricity and thermal energy with not less than an efficiency of 70%.
- Special holders offering a level of resistance of up to 7000 Pa specially designed for glass-glass solar panels.
- Different solar cell technologies capable of operating at different high efficiencies
The Solar Cell Factory, Niğde, the most recent Tubitak-output carried out by our R&D Center, will come into operation in 2021 in the Bor Organized Industrial Zone. Our Niğde-Bor output solar panels have a local content rate of 87%.

TUBİTAK Projects carried out by our team:
Optimization of Mono Crystal Photovoltaic Module Performance for Hot Climates
Design and Prototype Production of Photovoltaic Smart Systems
Single Crystal Silicone Base Bifacial Multi-Layer and Articulated Photovoltaic Cell and Glass/Glass Module Design/ Prototype Production
Design, Development and Manufacturing Bifacial Mono-Perc Solar Cells with Big-Wafer in Türkiye and, Manufacturing of Glass-Glass FV Modules Using these Solar Cells (In Progress)
KOSGEB-Supported Projects carried out by our team:
Module Design and Prototype Production for Floating Power Plants Installed in High Moisture Areas such as Dams, Lakes and Ponds (In Progress)
PV Panel Monitoring Making Use of RFID Technology (In Progress)
Our Studies on Patents and Utility Models
Since it was established, our company has completed many R&D projects, and submitted numerous applications to the Turkish Patent Institute concerning significant inventions and improvements. Contributing to the development of glass-glass solar powers in Türkiye for the first time through the selection of quality and high performance materials, GTC has obtained a utility model certificate. It has also obtained a patent certificate thanks to the invention for a glass ceramic solar panel designed with ceramic on the back side. GTC continues to make efforts on utility models and patents through new inventions concerning not only solar panels but also solar equipment.

Monitoring Service
Through a monitoring program it has developed, our monitoring team monitors the following factors of the sites all year around:
- Operating performance rate,
- Productivity by seasons,
- Power changes by years.
The actual performance data are compared to the predicted performance data through the pvsyst reports.
R&D Testing Stations
There are station models constructed within the borders of our company in the shape of a parking lot, land scaffold, tiled roof and shade etc. in order to compare different systems, panels and equipment and, contribute to our R&D projects making use of the data obtained therefrom.
Each power plant that is operating and, that we have recently completed are also a data source and testing station for our R&D studies.
The projects supported by our company and carried out by our team are in progress in the fields of roof implementations, junction box performances, solar cell layers, facade designs and micro-inverters.